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How to Revive Your Landscape After a Scorching Summer

Summer is a season of fun and relaxation, but it can also be harsh on your landscape.  The intense heat and drought can take a toll on your plants and lawn, leaving them brown, wilted and lifeless. Alterra Landscape Design in Dallas, Plano, Frisco and surrounding areas wants to help you revive your landscape. There are ways to restore your landscape to its former self and prepare it for the cooler months ahead. Here are some tips on how to revive your landscape after a scorching summer.

1. Water wisely. Alterra’s tips are essential for keeping your plants hydrated and healthy.  Avoid
watering during the hottest part of the day when most of the water will evaporate before reaching the
roots. Instead, water early in the morning or late in the evening, when the temperature is cooler and
the wind is calmer. Use a soaker hose around your landscape or drip irrigation system in addition to
regular sprinklers to deliver water slowly and deeply to the soil. This will reduce water loss and prevent fungal diseases. Water less frequently but more thoroughly to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance.

2. Fertilize carefully. Fertilizing can help your plants recover from stress and boost their growth, but it
can also burn them if applied too heavily or too often. Choose a slow-release, organic fertilizer such as
Lesco 13-13-13.  Follow the label instructions and apply it sparingly and evenly.  Avoid fertilizing if
extreme conditions still exist as this can stress your plants even more. The best time to fertilize is in early fall after the scorching summer, when the weather is cooler, and the plants are preparing for winter.

3. Prune selectively. Pruning can help your plants become healthier, but it can also stimulate new
growth that may not have enough time to harden off before winter. Prune only dead, diseased or
damaged branches, and avoid cutting back more than one-third of the plant at a time. Prune flowering
shrubs after they finish blooming, and prune evergreens in late winter or early spring. Pruning can also help improve air circulation and light penetration, which can reduce pest and disease problems.

4. Mulch generously. Mulching is one of the best ways to protect your landscape from the harsh
summer conditions. Mulch helps conserve moisture, moderate soil temperature, suppress weeds,
prevent erosion and add organic matter to the soil. Apply a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips, shredded leaves, or straw, around your plants, leaving some space around the stems or
trunks. Avoid using rocks or plastic as mulch, as they can overheat the soil and damage the roots.

5. Replace struggling plants. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, some plants may not survive the
summer or may look too weak or unsightly to keep. In that case, you may want to replace them with
more resilient or suitable plants for your climate and site conditions. Consider using native plants, which are adapted to your local environment and require less water and maintenance. In Texas agaves and drought tolerant succulents, native grasses, and plants such as junipers and lantana can survive extreme climate conditions.

By following these Alterra Landscape Design tips, you can revive your landscape after a scorching
summer and enjoy its beauty for the rest of the year. Remember to monitor your plants regularly and
adjust your watering, fertilizing and pruning practices according to their needs and the weather
conditions. With some care and attention, your landscape will bounce back from the summer stress. If
you’re in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, and surrounding North Texas areas following these heat tolerant tips will help your landscape survive the frustrations of summer heat stress.

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